General engineering and programing a controller

Welding repair to damaged seat frame
We pride ourselves on our ability to repair all types of machines, no matter how old. Some companies see repairs as an opportunity to sell a new machine, we do not. We would much rather keep well loved machines in operation.
We will advise on the cost of a call-out inclusive of up to one hour’s labour. Most services and repairs can be carried out in this time. Should we have to make a second call, no further cost will be incurred.
We are of the opinion that “If it is going all right and it sounds all right, leave it alone”. Having said that, we do recommend one service a year. If we call out and service the machine at your home (some companies take machines away) we charge £80 which includes up to one hour’s labour. If you bring the scooter to us by appointment, we will service it while you wait and the cost will be between £30 to £40.
The picture show a chair being reprogramed to suit the customers needs using a lap top computer. We have the equipment and programs to enable us to make electronic adjustments to most machines. We are also able to undertake more conventional mechanical repairs including welding, brazing, body repairs, spray painting and general engineering.